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<div class="iwMainTitle">Current iRO Events & News</div>
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<div class="iwMainTitle">Database and Simulators</div>
[https://db.irowiki.org iW Database]
<br> [https://irowiki.org/~himeyasha/skill7/ iW Skill Simulator] {{-}} [https://calc.irowiki.org iW Stat Simulator] {{-}} [https://newcalc.irowiki.org iW Damage Simulator]
[https://compare.irowiki.org <span title="Calculate and compare damage with various equipment.">Nirvanna21's Damage Calculator</span>]
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<div class="iwMainTitle">''[[Community Guides]]''</div>
*[[Guide:Beginner Tips|Beginner Tips]] - Tips for new players.
*[[Guide:How to Build a Class|How to Build a Class]] - How to decide optimal gears, stats for a class.
*[[Guide:How To Verify My Item|How To Verify My Item]] - Making sure valuables, like [[MVP]] cards, are legit.
*[[Guide:How to Make Zeny|How to Make Zeny]] - Ideas on how to make in game money.
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<div class="iwMainTitle">''Basics''</div>
*[[Introduction to Ragnarok Online]]
*[[Getting Started]] - Useful tips for new players.
*[[Basic Game Control]] - In-game commands and controls.
*[[IRO_Servers_Comparison|VIP Features]] - Account perks for purchasing VIP.
*[[Servers]] - List of worldwide Ragnarok servers, and general information about each.
*[[Frequently Asked Questions]]
*[[Glossary]] - A list of commonly used acronyms and abbreviations.
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<div class="iwMainTitle">''Characters''</div>
*[[Levels]] - Basic leveling introduction and EXP tables
*[[Leveling Spots]] - Where to level at what level as each class/build.
*[[Experience]] - How EXP is calculated and modifiers.
*[[Classes]] - Introduction to classes in Ragnarok Online.
*[[Stats]] - Attributes that determine a character's strengths and weaknesses.
*[[Skills]] - Skill usage and how they work.
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<div class="iwMainTitle">''Systems''</div>
*[[Achievement System]] - Earn titles and rewards from completing various tasks.
*[[Cute Pet System]] - Tamable monsters become your companion and give Stat boosts.
*[[Mail System|Mail]] - Easily transfer items and zeny to another account, and keep in touch with friends.
*[[Marriage System|Marriage]] - If you have a sweetheart, you might consider marrying in RO.
*[[Adoption System|Adoption]] - Players can choose to be adopted by a pair of characters that are married.
*[[Homunculus_System|Homunculus]] - Player Controlled pets for the Alchemist class.
*[[Mercenary System|Mercenaries]] - Purchasable player-controlled fighters.
*[[Cooking]] - Give yourself a stat boost with tasty foods.
*[[Replay System]] - A built in recording system for replaying your gameplay.
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<div class="iwMainTitle">''[[Monsters]]''</div>
*[[Size]] - Mechanics of how monster sizes and weapons impact your damage.
*[[Race]] - The different races of monsters found in Ragnarok Online.
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<div class="iwMainTitle">''[[Enchantment]]''</div>
*[[Malangdo Costume Enchants]] - Information on enchanting selected costumes.
*[[Biolab Enchants]] - Information on enchanting gears Biolab monsters drop.
*[[Hidden Enchant]]- Information on enchanting selected gears.
*[[Malangdo Enchants]] - Enchantments on certain level 3 and 4 weapons.
*[[Mora Enchants]] - Information on certain class specific gear.
*[[Nightmare_Biolabs_Headgear_Quests#Nightmare_Biolabs_Headgear_Enchantments|Nightmare Biolabs Enchants]] - Nightmare Biolabs Headgear Enchants.
*[[Royal Banquet Enchants]] - Information on enchanting gear from Royal Banquet.
*[[Shadow_Equipment#Shadow_Enchantment|Shadow Equipment Enchants]] - Information on enchanting shadow equipment.
*[[Terra Gloria Enchants]] - Information on enchanting gear from Terra Gloria.
*[[Vicious Mind Weapon Enchants]] - Information on pre-enchanted weapon from Sky Fortress.
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<div class="iwMainTitle">''World''</div>
*[[World Map]] - Map of the world of Ragnarok Online.
*[[Rune-Midgarts Kingdom]] & [[Countries]] - The nations of Ragnarok Online.
*[[Kafra]], [[Cool Event Corp]], [[Cat Hand Services]] - Organizations that provides services such as Storage and Teleportation between cities and dungeons.
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<div class="iwMainTitle">''[[Items]]''</div>
*[[Equipment]] & [[Equipment Sets]] - General information on Equipment in Ragnarok Online.
*[[Card System]] & [[Card Sets]] - Cards of Ragnarok Online and their effects.
*[[Card Reference]] - Glossary of cards by type.
*[[Refinement System]] - Upgrade your weapon's attack strength.
*[[Grade]] - Gain bonus effects from equipment.
*[[Item Reform]] - Change equipment into stronger variant.
*[[Socket Enchant]] - Add slots to certain equipment.
*[[Forging]] - Create weapons with elemental attributes.
*[[Potion Creation]] - Brew Potions and other items using commonly found items.
*[[Healing Items]] - Consumables to help replenish your HP & SP.
*[[Quest Items]] - Items used in various quests.
*[[Catalyst Items]] - Items used for crafting skills and spell reagents.
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<div class="iwMainTitle">''Misc''</div>
*[[Updates Changelog]] & [[Update History]] - Historical updates through Ragnarok Online's history.
*[[Renewal]] - Complete game-overhaul update.
*[[Kafra Shop]] - Learn about iRO's Item Mall.
*[[Downloads]] - Various Ragnarok resources available for download.
*[[Original Soundtrack]] - The music of Ragnarok Online
*[[Links]] - Useful links to other resources.
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<div class="iwMainTitle">''[[Commerce|<span title="Buying, Selling, and Trading items.">Commerce</span>]]''</div>
*[[Zeny]] - Ragnarok Online's primary tradable currency.
*[[Making Zeny|Zeny Making Tips]] - Suggestions on way to make in-game money.
*[[Vending]] - Shop that allows players to sell items directly.
*[[Buying Store]] - Shop that allows players to buy items directly.
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<div class="iwMainTitle">''[[Quests]]''</div>
*[[Adventurer's Guild]] - Repeatable experience quests.
*[[Arc Quests]] - Storyline quests.
*[[Daily Quests]] - Quests available once a day for experience or rewards.
*[[Eden Group]] - A variety of quests designed to assist in early leveling.
*[[Access Quests]] - Table of restricted areas and the quests required to access them.
*[[Quest Table]] - Easily sort through quests with experience rewards.
*[[Instance]]s - Special dungeons involving NPC-narrated quests.
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<div class="iwMainTitle">''[[PvP]]''</div>
*[[War of Emperium]] & [[War of Emperium 2]] - Guild vs. Guild combat.
*[[War of Emperium Training Edition]] - Guild vs. Guild combat exclusively available to transcendent classes and below.
*[[Castle Treasure Drops]] - List of each castle's treasure box drops.
*[[Battlegrounds]] - Duke it out with another team on special battle maps!
*[[Poring War]] - Protect your team of Porings!
*[[USRC]] - Annual team PVP competition to select iRO's RWC representatives.
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<div class="iwMainTitle">''[[Game Mechanics]]''</div>
*[[Element]] - Relationships between magical elemental properties in the game.
*[[Status Effects]] - Status debuffs in general and how they work.
*[[Status Icons]] - Guide to the various on-screen icons.
*[[Drop System]] - Understanding how monster drops work.
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<div class="iwMainTitle">''[[Grouping|<span title="Gives basic information on parties and guilds.">Grouping</span>]]''</div>
*[[Party]] - Level up together, sharing EXP and Drops.
*[[Guild System|Guilds]] - Battle in War of Emperium and donate EXP to the cause.
*[[Clan System|Clans]] - Organizations players can join to gain buffs.
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<div class="iwMainTitle">iRO Wiki News</div>
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<div class="iwMainTitle">Thank you for supporting iRO Wiki!</div>
15 years and counting.

Edição das 04h42min de 24 de junho de 2024

Welcome to iRO Wiki.
This is a community-run wiki for Ragnarok Online. We are not affiliated with Warpportal!

Editing HelpPredefinição:-RulesPredefinição:-General DiscussionPredefinição:-Get help from a Moderator Predefinição:- Articles you can help by updating!

An account is required to edit, you may request an account on Discord!

Current iRO Events & News

Renewal Current Events


Looking for the Discord? You can get to it here!

Database and Simulators

iW Database
iW Skill Simulator Predefinição:- iW Stat Simulator Predefinição:- iW Damage Simulator

Nirvanna21's Damage Calculator

  • Levels - Basic leveling introduction and EXP tables
  • Leveling Spots - Where to level at what level as each class/build.
  • Experience - How EXP is calculated and modifiers.
  • Classes - Introduction to classes in Ragnarok Online.
  • Stats - Attributes that determine a character's strengths and weaknesses.
  • Skills - Skill usage and how they work.
  • Achievement System - Earn titles and rewards from completing various tasks.
  • Cute Pet System - Tamable monsters become your companion and give Stat boosts.
  • Mail - Easily transfer items and zeny to another account, and keep in touch with friends.
  • Marriage - If you have a sweetheart, you might consider marrying in RO.
  • Adoption - Players can choose to be adopted by a pair of characters that are married.
  • Homunculus - Player Controlled pets for the Alchemist class.
  • Mercenaries - Purchasable player-controlled fighters.
  • Cooking - Give yourself a stat boost with tasty foods.
  • Replay System - A built in recording system for replaying your gameplay.
  • Size - Mechanics of how monster sizes and weapons impact your damage.
  • Race - The different races of monsters found in Ragnarok Online.
  • Zeny - Ragnarok Online's primary tradable currency.
  • Zeny Making Tips - Suggestions on way to make in-game money.
  • Vending - Shop that allows players to sell items directly.
  • Buying Store - Shop that allows players to buy items directly.
  • Adventurer's Guild - Repeatable experience quests.
  • Arc Quests - Storyline quests.
  • Daily Quests - Quests available once a day for experience or rewards.
  • Eden Group - A variety of quests designed to assist in early leveling.
  • Access Quests - Table of restricted areas and the quests required to access them.
  • Quest Table - Easily sort through quests with experience rewards.
  • Instances - Special dungeons involving NPC-narrated quests.
  • Element - Relationships between magical elemental properties in the game.
  • Status Effects - Status debuffs in general and how they work.
  • Status Icons - Guide to the various on-screen icons.
  • Drop System - Understanding how monster drops work.
  • Party - Level up together, sharing EXP and Drops.
  • Guilds - Battle in War of Emperium and donate EXP to the cause.
  • Clans - Organizations players can join to gain buffs.
iRO Wiki News

IROWiki News

Thank you for supporting iRO Wiki!

15 years and counting.